Flash Fiction Library

Elephant Eyes

The great bull elephant stands majestically in the hot African sun. Crackling, buzzing bush surrounds it as a ragged mountain range fills the backdrop beyond the dry vegetation and the rolling savanna. Slowly the gigantic beast lifts its head and its thick trunk snakes out to delicately curl around the[…]

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Criminal Stuck Record

“I didn’t. Did you?” “No, I thought you did–” “Well, I didn’t because I thought you did.” “Well, I didn’t either, so we’re fucked.” “Fuck!” “It’s no use now. Seriously, what are we going to do? We only had this single window to slip in here before they moved the[…]

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The gravel crunched under his feet as he ran. Each impact was heavier than the last. His breath came in desperate, reaching gasps that roared in his ears. The air felt like fire in his lungs. Despite each breath filling them to capacity, his lungs felt empty of oxygen and filled[…]

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Secret Recipes

Deep inside a dark forest, hidden at the end of a secret path lies a little house all covered in ancient vines and cast in the shade of a large mushroom. Inside this mysterious dwelling, lives a little old lady, whose actual age is only known by the stars and[…]

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Across the street lay a house. In that house was a window. In that window was a girl. And that girl spent long hours looking out at the world from her window. On the other side of the street was another house. It also had a window. In that window[…]

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Soft red hair complimented the sunlight shimmering across her subtle frame with a fragrance like sweet roses. And I remember the time we were kicked out of as cinema. We ran away laughing on a hot summers night and ate cold ice-cream on the lonely midnight shore. The oceans rolled[…]

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I Don’t Want It Anymore

“It’s all gone wrong and I don’t want it anymore.” The speaker is a well-dressed gentleman standing before me. While it is hard to tell his age, he is certainly not young. Yet, somehow, this enhances his sharply chiselled features and clear sky-blue eyes. He is a leader with vision,[…]

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Infinite Dreams

What if I told you that it was all true? Everything. What if every thought you ever had was true? What if every screaming fanatic’s religious belief was true? What if every twisted scientist’s theory was true? What if every dark murderer’s fantasy was true? Every hazy daydream, every fleeting[…]

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Under the Bed

It glanced out from the small slit under the bed. Everything was quiet and calm. In the dark bedroom, it could still faintly see the seashell pattern on the walls and the form of the toy figurines scattered around in the corner. Outside the window, a tree branch swayed quietly in an[…]

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